Monday, September 19, 2011

A good kick up the arse!

It seems that with little time on my hands at the moment for reading or attending moots, I really am stuck in limbo with my path and which way it should lead.

At the moment I think it would be fair to say that I am stuck and empty. Empty as in when things happen I know not who to thank, and when I think I have my path all sorted, I have negative thoughts about it all.

To be quite honest, I think until I have the time to think harder and actually get a feel for things, I should not make any decisions about religion, paths or worship. I quite honestly at the moment feel less of a Pagan than I did before I knew what a Pagan was.

It seems that I seem to be doing a lot of this lately, putting myself backwards rather than looking to the future with positive energy.

I have gone back 10 years in my employment to a job I said I would never ever do again (though it is not as bad as all that), not taking anytime out for myself, to do things I would like to do, and no plans to change any of it either!

Tut tut, good kick up the arse I think I need, and a holiday,,,,,,SOON!

1 comment:

  1. And we can talk it when I visit. I know the place you're in. Been there, hun. It's frustrating. But there will be thinking going on underneath - you will be absorbing and soaking it up somehow - f'shaw.

    I'm happy to be a sounding board when I see you, and yes okay if you insist, I will kick your behind ;-p
