Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hmmmm Musings!

Well it is Moot tonight in Hereford. Unfortunately we are both unable to attend, which is a real shame. Tonight they have an hereditary witch with over 40 years of witchcraft behind her, A High Priestess of a Coven.
She will be giving a speech about Wiccan History, the difference between Wicca and Witches. Witchcraft and Divination, healing and spell craft. We really would have loved to have gone.

This would have been very beneficial to our learning and I think it would have maybe given me a little more direction too. I am very interested in Wicca and the life of a solitary hedge witch too, I think I could have picked up some very useful information here. But it was not to be..........This time!

I have been reading more of the Satanic Bible and it still baffles me of how much sense this book makes, more surprising is the attitude of most people (including myself until I started reading this book) of what a Satanist really is.

It seems to me that most people have Satanic traits in their life without even realising it, I know I certainly have.

What the author "Anton Szandor LaVey" says is that if somebody slaps you on the cheek, get ready to launch into him. Unlike the Christian way of thinking which is to offer the other cheek!

As a race we are greedy, we always want more than we need and keeping up with the Jones's is something I think we are all guilty of in one way or another. If you actually sat dawn and made a list of what you needed to survive including clothes, food and shelter, I think many of us would come up with really rediculous items that we need. Here is just one way to commit sin as seen in the Christian bible. We all have too many clothes, too much variety in our food cupboards and far too many other luxuries that we really do not need.

Some of us enjoy sex! But it is the sin that keeps "sinners" returning to the churches every weekend to repent their sins, it is a great way to keep the congregration. The fear of Hell is enough to keep Christians in the churches and paying out their hard earned cash. It really aggravates me how there is always a church that needs a new roof and donations for this and that. The church is one of the richest businesses in the world, and a business it is too.

I once read somewhere that "Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had". And I fully believe it too.

Although it might seem that I am getting too deep in to the Left Hand Path, I was once told by a very good and respected friend that "Until you can follow one Path, you need to look at others). This is something that I still hold dear to me today. It would be stupid of me to only look at one "way of life", "religion" or "worship" without researching others too! Remind you of anyone????

1 comment:

  1. lol I think the quote you "read somewhere" is actually LaVey in the Satanic Bible.

    I was talking this evening with someone about saving your love for those who actually deserve it. LHP is not about loving everyone and turning the cheek, because LHP-ers believe that it is stupid to think you can or should love everyone. How many of us have spent hours, days, weeks, years expending energy on people who keep hurting us, thereby neglecting those who consistently love us - all because we don't want to upset the apple cart and we want to "be good". It doesn't have to be as dramatic as a punch in the face, just withdrawing yourself from such people can be enough. Love CAN be diluted and I for one firmly believe that my friends and lovers deserve concentrated love, not love diluted by the "worthless herd". I don't love everybody, nor would I wish to.

    Food for discussion later in the week methinks! ;-)
