Monday, September 5, 2011

Paths to the Left of me, Paths to the Right.

So, here I am, Stuck in the middle!

I have read very little concerning the Left Hand Path, but at the moment, it seems very interesting and also maybe a little more believable than anything else I have read to date. We have a very good friend that follows the Left Hand Path. Not only is she very knowledgeable in both the Right and Left Hand Paths of Religion, she is also a very good friend as well as an excellent teacher.

We are very lucky our very own Guru Google friend, and answers every question or point indepth and never seems to get bored of us just raiding her mental hard drive, which we are very grateful off.

The Pagans I am now lucky enough to call friends really are a great bunch of people, all with their own individual paths, some are fluffy while others are darker. All of which are right for each of them it seems.

I first found that one Path I was very interested in was more nature based. I have always had a very healthy respect for nature, and I have always tried to instil this to our children. Not that I am a tree hugger, but I can now at least see why they do. Pagans believe that every thing on Earth has a soul, trees, birds, bees, the sea, wind, even the pebbles in a brook. This is something that I had always believed, and never questioned before, I thought everyone thought the same way, kind of!

I would love to believe that fairies live all around us and that other mystical beings such as unicorns, elves and sprites, live without us being able to see them, but then, there is no reason that they don't. Why shouldn't they, millions all over the world believe in a God that they have never seen either. So why shouldn't I believe in what ever I want to believe in?

Now in 2011, I am 35 years old. I have not seen anything good come from some religions, Christianity, Catholicism or Muslim. But what I have seen is a hell of a lot of hatred and war. (there I go bothering the Christians again). I am not saying that people don't get anything from their religions, some people do get a lot from their faith, what I cannot understand is how somebody can follow a faith, when the leaders are so obviously corrupt and would be imprisoned if only the church was not such a great way to control the masses.

This blog is not here to offend anyone's faith, religion or beliefs, just a way to share my confusion and journey in finding my Path.

I hope you find this video as interesting as I did. Here is the second part too.


  1. Brilliant blog looking forward to the next one

  2. Aw, sweet-talker ;-)

    Fantasy is just another language for describing reality - if you can imagine it, it can become real on some plane of existence, why not on yours?
