Monday, September 5, 2011

Where to go from here?

While thinking how to start this new blog, I stared at the blank screen. Not knowing where to start. This is very much the way I personally feel about the Path I would like to follow.

As a child, we were taught Christianity in school, still very much the religion of choice in most village schools these days it seems. When I was in school, we were taught 95% Christianity and 5% other religions. Christianity was pretty much rammed down our throats during lessons and the daily school assembly.

This is one of the worries both my wife and I have with our three children today. We do not want our children to be brain washed the way that we were when we were children.

Over the past few months, I have read many books, websites and have come to the decision that Christianity is just as much of a myth as any other religion, but a religion that I want NOTHING to do with.

In a book a recently read "The Satanic Bible, by Anton Szandor LaVey". A very interesting read indeed! I must admit, I was a little concerned when my wife was given this book, but on reading it myself, it has opened my eyes to so much.

The title " The Satanic Bible" conjures many dark, worrying pictures, but it really is an amazing read. It tells that since the first man/woman, walked the Earth (not Adam and Eve either) that Man has always needed something to worship whether it be the Sun, the Moon or the Stars. Man needs to worship something.

It then goes on to say that the Christians made it so that the 10 Commandments made it impossible for no Man or Woman to be free of sin.

One of the sins is LUST, so if you have had Sexual Intercourse for any other reason than to create life, you are a sinner and will be banished to Hell unless you repent.
Maybe the Catholics should take a leaf from their own fairy tale book too.

Now I do not want this blog or this post to just be about slating other religions, it just gets to me when people stand on their high ground preaching when all the time they are not true to their own religion.

I always thought that Paganism was a little strange and was something to do with dancing naked in the woods the fornicating with everyone in sight before sacrificing a virgin to the Squirrel Gods.

On reading about Paganism, and it's beliefs, it seems that I have already been living quite a Pagan lifestyle anyway for many years.

This is where I started to question my beliefs and how I would like to live the rest of my life.


  1. Lovely post to begin your blog with :-)

  2. Thank you Seshat, thanks a lot, really means a lot to me!
